Any horsey type folk out there?
I'm 6'2 and 18 stone, so need a 'heavy' cuddie to support me.
Wife has always had a soft spot for a Welsh Cob, Me, I prefer a Shire. The arse seems to have fallen out the horse market recently (NO Tesco jokes please!) so beasties like this ... loucs.html
seem to be pretty cheap.
What would a knowledgable equestrian type be looking at for a light usage hacker
Cheers, Hoss.
Blame the Deed, Not the Breed Traitor Z1000SX Owner
My ex was horsey type, me i'd sooner eat one than ride one [no joke] i was lowly terrier man but i would say go for a big cob cross or shire cross i would think at your size you are looking at 16ish hands heavy type
your link looks like a handy type a bit long in the tooth [then again arn't we all] is that a buy price? it seems very cheap to me ah just noticed the Navicular
The Navicular will not get any better and will probably cost more as the years go on without having a go or dig your weight will not help her
it sounds like the present owner is looking to retire her but they are being honest they could have had her denerved and sold her as sound
Good luck with your search and make sure you get a vet's report before parting with any cash, the one in your link i would say is the right type but i would not chance it
Good luck Dai
Aye your right there, Got enough vet bills wi dogs!
Does seem to be cheap right now though, Even healthy beasts are only fetching @£400?
Last thing I was on was was 18h, massive black Shire cross(I think), feisty lass that I have to admit was a bit of a handful, Bloody good fun though (despite just about pooping mysel)
Blame the Deed, Not the Breed Traitor Z1000SX Owner