Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:56 pm
An English family are shopping in Sports Direct, 6 year old son picks up a Welsh rugby top and says to his older sis, I want to support these, sis smacks him round the ear and says go and speak to mum.......mum I want to support these, mum smacks him around the year and says don't ever say that again, go and see your i want to support these but my sis and my mum say i says don't you ever even touch a shirt that colour again and smacks him round the ear....the little boy sobbing, puts the shirt back........Short time later the family are driving home, dad says to his son......son I hope you have learned a valuable lesson today........son says yes says and what is that lesson son.........son says I've only been a Wales fan for 1 day and already I hate you English Bastards...........