Excellent service from Cooper BMW Tunbridge Wells

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Excellent service from Cooper BMW Tunbridge Wells

Postby one_bad_mofo » Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:37 pm

Picture the scene - I get a phone call at work from a collegue who has popped outside fro a cigarette asking why my bike is laying on its side?

I go out to the car park outside where I work and sure enough my bike is on its side. This despite the fact I left it on the centre stand and the stand was still down. I can only assume that some ****** reversed into it and pushed it over and then drove off. I though the fact I park in the very corner of the car park would be the safest place.

Fortunately, damage is surperficial a couple of scratches to the cylinder head cover, a deep scratch inthe Givi top box and worst of all the right side foot peg has been snapped clean off.

Luckily, Cooper BMW is only a 20 minute walk away from work. Once I get there I explain my predicament and lament the fact I was planning on riding to Brighton on Sunday for the Ace Cafe Rocker's Reunion (I've done 10 in the past 12 years), a newfoot peg is ordered along with the wonderful news it could be in tomorrow morning.

Back to work I collect the bike and ride home (12 miles) with my right foot on the pillion peg and not using the rear brake. That was fun. Not!

A quick call today and yes the part is there. Not only does the guy tell me its down as having been delivered he goes and actually checks it's there.

So I know where I'll be going in the future for any parts or bike purchases. I was most taken with the F800ST.

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