Highly Un-Recommended

Any bike-related products/services you wish to recommend.

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Highly Un-Recommended

Postby minivin » Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:49 am

DataTool System 3 Alarm

It has just kept the street up for four hours as it decided it wanted to entertain the street with all it's different warbles coz it got cold and snowed....AWWWWWWW!

I know it ain't the bike that is the problem as if it was the battery then the thing is supposed to go into sleep mode..... that just leaves the circuitry inside of the thing to freeze and go mad.

DataTool prepare for the wrath of Mr. Vincent, this is one mighty pee'd off owner who expects better from an alarm which should be able to coup with British Weather :evil:
Classic Motorcycle Magazine, Young Motorcyclist of the Year 2003

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