Garmin appreciation

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Garmin appreciation

Postby Kimmett » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:55 am

touring Germany (for Sachsenring) the speedo cable snapped near Koln. No problem: I got the Zumo 220. Then in Malmedy I dropped the satnav, smashed the glass, no touch screen function. Oops. What I didn't know was that once up & moving the Zumo reverted to the map function, giving me location, speed limits, my speed and elevation. Not sure why the last was essential, but I'm impressed by the way the Garmin kept working. And a good ending: for a reasonable price, Garmin exchanged the broken satnav for a re-conditioned one which I received within one week. Thanks, Garmin.

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Postby f90x » Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:43 pm

When my Zumo550 died inexplicably after 3-4 years of ownership I was understandably vexed. Garmin PX'd it for a refurb at £100 with a 12 month warranty and all my purchased lifelong maps and speed camera's thingy was transferable. At the time I wasn't happy about it crashing or at having to pay £100 but in retrospect technology is going to break and the deal was a good one. The replacement still works too.
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