IOM TT+ TV Anyone?

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Grip Fast
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IOM TT+ TV Anyone?

Postby Grip Fast » Mon May 30, 2022 8:01 pm

I signed up for the IOM TT+ TV service (£14 for online access to all practice sessions and races). Seemed like reasonable value to me - I was expecting something like BT Sport coverage of MotoGP. Only day-1 practice available to judge by thus far, but I’m not impressed. Interview sound quality is so poor, I couldn’t make out half of what’s being said, and most of the road shots are from so high, there is just an unidentifiable spec zipping along between the trees. I hope it gets better than that.

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Re: IOM TT+ TV Anyone?

Postby SP250 » Tue May 31, 2022 7:22 am

ITV 4 highlights for me on every night at 9.00pm.
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Re: IOM TT+ TV Anyone?

Postby Blackal » Tue May 31, 2022 4:28 pm

I signed up for it - first transmission was poor and beset with problems, but will see what today's practice coverage is like.

Hopefully they get their shit together for the actual races.

If the weather is nice - I'll sit in the garden with some Negroni cocktails and watch it on ipad and listen on Radio TT on Manx radio website.

[EDIT] - got the live practice on TV now (rather than on ipad) - Seems to be improved, and providing the races are reliable - it should be great.

Seems like plenty of unseen vantage-point footage too.

£14 well spent. :blob3:
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Grip Fast
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Re: IOM TT+ TV Anyone?

Postby Grip Fast » Tue May 31, 2022 9:56 pm

Yes, agree practice 2 is much better. :)

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