Should We Be 'Wanted'

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Should We Be 'Wanted'

Postby JoeC » Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:09 pm

We have a Classified-For Sale section but should we have a seperate Classified-Wanted section?
This way it might make it easier to see whats what.
No longer a motorcycle owner.

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Postby ChasesDragons » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:49 am

Conversely, those who sell may not have the forethought to read the WANTED section first (I am guilty on this count!)

I wonder if it will be worthwhile to agree to add the prefix WTD or FS in front of every thread title and stick it in the same section? e.g "WTD: Atomic Discombobulator to fit 2003 R1100S" or "FS: Cager Poking Stick"

This method might ensure that ALL of us are exposed to ALL the potential goodies passing under our noses, yet maintain a better grip on sanity by filtering out by prefixes......Ok, getting off the box now.


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