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R1100S for sale.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:35 pm
by Neil178
I can’t quite believe that I’m doing this and will probably regret it for the rest of my life as I thought I would be put 6 foot under with the bike.

Not used since before Covid and unlikely to get used this summer as my future plans are to leave the UK for at least a couple of years, possibly not returning.
It is currently off the road with no MOT. I have a new battery to be fitted and just needs a rear reflector to pass the MOT which will be done soon. ish.

So this is just a heads up for anybody contemplating buying a R1100S that doesn’t need much doing to it to get it back on the road.

Actually it is the SS model with slight changes to the standard bike.

I have done many modifications to it with very little that hasn’t been done to improve its performance and comfort. It’s a W Reg, V5 present, mileage and more details will be added in due course.

I’m not sure if private messages come through to my fairly new email so perhaps make a post on here if anybody is interested to make sure I’m aware. In order to comply with the board policy I’m required to name a price so let me state £3000.

If this is the worst advert that you have ever seen them all I can say is he want to see my other ones on eBay. I’m in Derby if anybody wants to pop over to take a look, bring your own biscuits but I provided tea.

Cheers, Neil.

Re: R1100S for sale.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:23 pm
by Steelyboy
PM sent.

Re: R1100S for sale.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:32 pm
by Steelyboy
Aha, don't think PM went, maybe I can't until I've got a few more posts under my belt. Anyway, would like to have a chat about your R1100S whenever you've got a minute.

(also in Derby)